Vac Truck Services
Oil Water
Sumps, Pit & Trench Cleanouts
Sand Trap, Grit Traps
Tank Pumping
- Spill Cleanup
- Process Water Disposal
- Sewer Water Drains
- Non-Hazardous Liquid Disposal
- Non-Hazardous Sludge
- Catch & Drain Basins
- Overflowing Storm Systems
- Clarifiers
- Floor Drains
- Trenches
- PFAS Removal & Treatment
- Underground Waste Tanks
Unmatched Service

Our fleet of modern equipment will pump out liquid, sludge and solids at your facility, while ensuring proper disposal of your waste at our disposal facility.
Our team of professionals will pickup and dispose of your liquids, high solids, oily water, or sludge from virtually anywhere. Including oil
We pride ourselves on our great customer service and will do the job right, on time, and with courtesy.
At Every Service We Will:
At Every Service We Will:
Remove All Liquid, Sludge & Solids
Thoroughly Clean trenches leading to separators, pits, drains, sumps etc.
Dispose of your waste at our disposal facility in compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations.
L&R will professionally inspect and service your separators at every service call.
- We will sample all loads to help keep compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.